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Showing posts with the label ptron bassbuds pro

Ptron Bassbuds Pro

Cheap and Best Earbuds in India TWS, Earbuds, Bluetooth Headphones are the new Trend Now. We are going to take a look at the  cheap and best bluetooth headset in india . Most of us worried about which is the cheapest and the best among them. I found out the best one for me at a low price which is Under Rs .1500 and this review is completely based on my experience with Ptron Bassbuds Pro  Check Price at Amazon  Ptron Bassbuds Pro Review I used the Ptron Bassbuds Pro for over a month and here are my views on It.  Three things define the cheap and best wireless headphones . its Sound quality, battery and, connectivity and Ptron Bassbuds Pro has got all of it. Now its time for fully fledged  ptron bassbuds pro review   Design & Comfort  It Exactly Looks like a Capsule put up on your ears, yes it is tiny and easy to carry. It just weighs 4grams and the most interesting thing is that I never felt like I had